The Tinnitus they are a sound perceived without the presence of an auditory stimulus, would be like a "phantom sound". Tinnitus are not cause of deafness and deafness is not cause of tinnitus, but both entities are often associated, Although the patient sometimes does not perceive it. [THE ...]

The Otitis Externa It is the infection of the skin of the ear canal. They occur mainly in summer, in relation to the baths in swimming pools, Eczema of the skin or wounds due to scratching or manipulation of the ear. These infections cause pain, usually intense, tamponade of the ear and sometimes oozing by the ear and hearing loss. [THE ...]

Auditory deafness It can be due to different causes. The most common source are Earwax plugs but any type of otitis It can be produced by. It is especially important in The children the seromucous otitis, usually result of catarrhal pictures or the presence of adenoids [THE ...]

The hearing tests they are the method used to study the hearing loss and, in some cases causes determine the degree of loss and locate what part of the ear. The test most common is the Audiometry carrying out in a booth [THE ...]