
Otitis It is a term that refers to the inflammation of the ear.

The Otitis Externa It is the infection of the skin of the ear canal. They occur mainly in summer, in relation to the baths in swimming pools, Eczema of the skin or wounds due to scratching or manipulation of the ear. These infections cause pain, usually intense, tamponade of the ear and sometimes oozing by the ear and hearing loss. When the infection is due to fungus more common symptoms are itching and clogging of the ear.

The Acute otitis Media is one infection of the middle ear that usually occurs as a result of a catarrhal picture and is especially common in children up to the age of the 6 years, due to frequent infections of the adenoids. These infections occurs at times the drainage from the ear through a perforation of the eardrum often spontaneously close.

Are also frequent the Seromucous otitis they are particularly relevant in children, since they can go unnoticed and be responsible for a hearing loss and acute otitis media of repetition. In these cases it is usual to the presence of a hypertrophy of the adenoid or tonsillar which will also require treatment.

The Otitis Media-chronic is defined as an inflammation of the ear means that persists more than 3 months. Most are sequels of other processes of the ear, as perforations tympanic, calcifications, bone lesions,... Others are due to the cholesteatoma, a benign disease, but it harms the bony structures of the ear. These otitis cause problems of repetitive drainage from the ear with hearing loss and the treatment is to avoid infections, Although they often require surgical treatment.

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