#8217; > surgery tonsils

Tonsil surgery is necessary when you have a large number of tonsillitis or when tonsils are a size obstructive to the respiratory tract. In these cases the operation consists of the complete removal (amigdalectomia) or in part (amigdalotomía) by virtue of the pathology and is done under general anesthesia. You can use different instruments such as the laser, radio frequency or the plasma coagulation by facilitating > #8217; surgical and recovery of the patient.

The current indications of the tonsillar surgery are:

Excessive size of the tonsils
Repeat infections (4 in 6 months or 6 in a year)
Abscess periamigdalar (accumulation of pus around the > #8217; tonsil)
Tonsillitis causing febrile convulsions.

On several occasions the tonsil surgery is carried out together with the > #8217; removal of the adenoid vegetations (adenoidectomy). The intervention of the adenoids is indicated when produce difficulty in breathing through the nose, the child has nasal voice, snore at night, and produces otitis of repetition and / or hearing loss. In the latter case is often also required the making of > #8217; a puncture the eardrum aspirativa (paracentesi or miringotomia), sometimes with the·drainage tube placement.

The main complication of surgery for tonsils and adenoids #8217 >; it's basically bleeding, the issue is around the > #8217; 1% > #8217; these interventions. This problem is usually solved with local measures such as washed and washed with serum and / or medication procoagulant, but in some cases it is necessary to review the patient's surgical. Less frequent are infections or problems in the > #8217; anesthesia. It is common for a certain change in the resonance of the voice when > #8217; #8217 > children operate; > #8217 hypertrophy of adenoids and tonsils;.

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